Lead Assessor

Sue has been working with the Careers and Enterprise Company assessing and evaluating bid applications and making recommendations for a new round of funding. She has been involved in a number of moderation meetings for shortlisting and final decision making as well as carrying out applicant interviews as both a lead and peer interviewer.

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Leadership Now!

Since 2016 Sue has been working with Candleby Lane and Affinity Teaching Schools in the East Midlands on a leadership coaching programme as part of the DfE’s Equality & Diversity funding. Sue has developed and delivered the 6 month programme and acts as a coach for a number of the participants.


Annual Conference

Sue is really pleased to be working for the second year with the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) developing, producing and supporting their annual conference which takes place at the ICC in Birmingham over 2 days. The conference aims to share best practice in OSH and involves a number of track and keynote speakers.

CPDL Workshops

Sue has worked with a number of training companies such as Forum Education where she has carried out market research leading to the development of a number of new workshops, sourced high quality training leads as well as visiting and engaging venues across the country.


Middle Leadership

Sue is an Associate Tutor for the University of Leicester where she has developed both modules and training materials for the PGCert ‘Effective Middle Leadership’ distance learning course. In her role she has delivered seminars and supported international students as their personal tutor.